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Kevin & Cheryl Kallenberger will offer for sale:

28 Acres in Vigo County, 25 Acres Tillable and has field tile

Auction Date: Wednesday, April 23rd 2025 @ 2:00 PM

Auction Location: Johnny Swalls Auction, Inc (111 W Main Street Farmersburg, IN 47850)

This property may be purchased prior to Auction by contacting the Auctioneer with an offer and the Seller will act on the offer. The deadline for making this offer is: Tuesday, April 22 @ 12:00 NOON

DIRECTIONS: US 41 to State 246 and go East to All Street, then north less than a mile. On the east side. Please watch for signs.

Johnny Swalls 28 acres

28 acres. 25 tlled tillable acres.

There is approximately 3/4 of an acre fenced for a horse and a pony.

The Buyer may farm,  this  2025 Crop Year.

The Seller states: he has talked to the man that installed the field tile and he state the tile is on 50' centers and that it was done about 10 years ago by the former owner.

Parcel Numbers: 84-14-27-100-015.000-015
Legal Description: E SIDE W-1/2 NW 27-10-8
Real Estate Taxes: $1,085.32 PER YEAR

Terms: The Successful Bidder will deposit 5% of the contract purchase price (minimum $1,000, except for exempt entities) at the Auction in the form of cash, cashier’s check, approved personal check or company check with bank letter of guarantee (no bank drafts). The Buyers will sign a non-contingent real estate contract with the balance due in 30 days or thereafter within 5 days of presentation of insurable title. The Real Estate will be sold “AS-IS” with no warranty, expressed or implied, but will be free and clear of any liens or encumbrances. An ALTA 2006 Title Insurance Commitment in the amount of the contract price will be supplied to the Buyers by the Seller and Seller shall pay for title search, premium for owner’s policy and cost to correct any title defects. If obtaining a loan, the Buyers shall pay the mortgage policy and recording of necessary documents. The Auction will conclude when the Auctioneer determines that all Buyers have made their best and final offers. Anyone desiring to bid must be approved prior to sale by Johnny Swalls. Any statements made by the Auctioneer on day of sale or during the sale take precedence over any oral or written heretofore.

Buyers Premium: The Buyer's will pay 6% Buyer’s Premium which will be added to the bid price to arrive at the contract price.

Possession: At closing and not before.

Mineral Rights: All underlying mineral rights, coal, fireclay, oil rights owned by the Seller will be transferred to the Buyer

Survey: A FREE copy of Survey to the Buyer, Already Completed.


Email: auctions@jswalls.com

AGENCY: Johnny Swalls Auction, Inc. and it's Representatives are Excluve Agents of the Seller

AUCTIONEER/BROKER: Col. Johnny Swalls, CAI, GPPA, CAGA, CREA, AU1026257, RB14033902, AC30700074

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